Saturday, July 19, 2014

Doug Vs. Tarpon, and Doug Won


Destination Unknown or they will come to kill me.

Doug came up from Crystal River to try and slay a  tarpon.  I had some good intel that there was a good bite.

The tide was right on Friday morning and the sunrise was magnificent.  The journey to the fishing grounds was a beautiful ride as fog was rising off the water.  An unusual sight in late July.

We found the tarpon scattered with gar and after about an hour and 1/2 of slinging Bomber Long A's the moment occurred that we had hoped for.

As I was leaning down to grab a water, Doug yells, "Here is comes!"  Usually for Doug that means he is about to pull the plug away from the fish as he hasn't digested all the coffee he drank that morning, but not this time.

The monster fish exploded 30' in front of the boat.  It is amazing to see a fish as long as you are jump up and look you in the eye.

The 45 minute battle had begun.

The big tarpon was really getting some air early in the battle.

Then the long slog of the fish pulling the boat and occasionally coming up for a big gulp of air and then back down again for another long pull.

Doug stayed after him as I handed him water to keep him from dehydrating.

His Blair Wiggins rod and his Shimano reel performed admirably.  But what about those knots!

Finally, we managed to get the behemoth to the boat.  After a DNA swab for the tarpon study and a few pictures, off he went to swim again.

The fish was actually hooked below his mouth.  You can see the red spot below the fish's jaw where the Bomber had done it's work.

After all the commotion, we had 7 more come up and crash the Bomber Long A's but couldn't quite get hooked up.  Also had one knock the heck out of the custom made Wicad by Nick Larson, but couldn't connect.

What a day with my bro!

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