Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Jumped One Tarpon


Nancy and I headed out to try and use the DNA kit and swipe a tarpon.
We want to contribute to the fisheries effort to track the tarpon in the area and they sent us this cool DNA kit to do it with.

I have tried it out and found out I'm not related to Steve Jobs.

We found the LY's schooling in 16 feet of water which is pretty far out from the shoreline off Bald Point.

The tarpon were there rolling around in the bait.

Nancy set up on one which hit a grunt under a cork, but he quickly threw the hook.  It would have been a good one to play with because it was in the 70-80 lb. range.

I caught a spinner shark on a DOA bait buster.

Nancy caught numerous sail cats and sharks on grunts and crab knuckles.

She even caught a big sail cat while talking to Hunter on the phone.

She's a pro!  (Sail Catter)