Thursday, September 18, 2014

Moving the Blog


Ok.  I now have everything set up.

If you like to follow, here is the new address.

Check it out, and thanks for looking!


And So It Begins........


We finally have gotten all things in order.
Move in.  Check.
Insurance. Check.
Pay property tax on cars and boats. Check.
Go back and forth between county auditor and DMV to get licenses for car and boats. Check.
Get drivers license. Check.
Get fishing license. Check.
Slap numbers and stickers on sides of boat. Check.
Finally, go fishing! Check.

We ventured out in the tin boat, not knowing where to go except for looking at people fishing around the Beaufort area with my binocs from the back deck.

Armed with plastics and jigheads we headed out on our first adventure.

The good old bonnet head showed up first.  He liked the old fake shrimp on a jighead and put up a nice fight on the spinning rod.

We putted around trying to get used to boating in the area.  Huge tides, fast moving water and endless creeks makes it a challenge. 
We just kept looking for fishy little points and islands where the weeds changed in size and type.
Finally we hit one last place and caught three trout.  Two were South Carolina keepers, 14" plus  and Nancy got a non keeper.  But she scored.

She tried to make it look bigger by holding it out towards the camera.  She has learned well.

Not a bad start to our adventures here in the low country of Beaufort.