Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lanark Dock Pitching

Tide: Incoming
Water: Clear, 82 Deg.
Sunny and warm (what else?)

Headed down to Lanark on a solo trip this morning.  Figure I would try the incoming tide for reds.  If I fell out of the boat I could wade to shore.

The water is very clear there, very pretty and lots of weeds.

I started at the FSU marine lab.  While there was a TON of bait there, I couldn't get anything to bite.

So as it got closer to high tide, I figured I would do the ol' Lanier method.
I tied on an 1/8 jig head and a gulp shrimp and started fishing covered docks.  While there aren't many, I did manage to find a few.

I caught three of these guys off one dock.  15-16 inches, not big, but nice fighters.

I caught another one a few docks down the shoreline.

I'm sure there are bigger ones around, but the water temp is now 82 degrees.  Just last week it was 74 degrees.  I didn't see any trout.

I did see two tarpon roll just west of the FSU lab.  I also saw some guides out on bird island polling along.  So, I'm assuming they are targeting the early tarpon.  Might have to get in on that next week after the crazies leave the water after Memorial Day.