Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cornucopia of Fish on Yom Kippur

Air: high 80's
Water: 85
Wind: 10 mph SE
Waves: 1-2 and some 3's early with chop
Tide incoming and start of outgoing

In celebration of my Jewish ways, we decided to go get our rods bent on Yom Kippur.

Nancy said she can't remember who many different fish she caught.  A rundown follows:

Red Grouper
Black Grouper
Gag Grouper
Blue Runner
Sea Trout
Black Seabass
Tomtate: Brown Grunt
Pink Mouth Snapper: White Grunt
Sand Perch
Remora (got off)

I think I got them all.

We really left them biting. The tide was going out hard around 1 pm and the grouper had turned on.  We were fishing our GPS spot marked "Good".  And it was.

We broke off on our last two drops, ran out of bait and headed to the hill.
Caught this dark Gag free lining a grunt. I was surprised that a grouper would come up to a free lined bait.  We had gotten hung up and I was backing the boat up to free the snagged rod and suddenly the clicker started screaming on the free lined rod.  This fish put up a nice fight on the light weight bait caster.

We started getting the reds as the tide turned. This is one of many that made it boat side.

The water had laid a little by then.  It was a rock and rolling affair earlier in the day.

The water was very clear again.  As we were boating back to the hill, you could see bottom in 16 feet of water.