Thursday, August 12, 2010

Shallow Nuclear Groupa


Headed down to go shallow water grouper fishing out of Crystal River.
Kind of knew it wasn't gonna be my day.  On the way down, stopped at Chompers for a chicken sandwich and shake and proceeded to chomp a piece of my mouth out the size of alaska.  That felt good and knowing that Doug was having steak for his bday dinner and Linda would be pouring wine, I would have to take it easy.
Hunter and Doug went golfing and I got the stuff rigged.
Headed out with Grouper Greg, Buckeye Bob, and Landscaping Shawn.  I guess we were out about 13 miles from the nuke plant before we laid down.
We had loaded up on pinfish from a well placed trap, but the livewell killed them all the way it looked.  I guess that makes that makes it a deadwell.
A brisk wind was blowing, we didn't know we would be fishing in a tropical depression until we got back.
We hit about 6 rock pile/rock holes during the day.  Grouper Greg had a hard time getting the boat right, the wind and tides playing havoc to his captain skills.  But, if you cast right where the rock was you were guaranteed a grouper, grunt, shark, ray or a cobia.
It didn't take long until you were hooked up and then they wised up.
Doug caught 3 keeper grouper.  Hunter caught one keeper and the rest of the boat added 3 more I think.
As for me, I made the first cast of the day with just a hook to see if I could cast my rod.  I caught a nice spanish on a bare hook.  I know it's bad luck to catch a fish on the first cast, so when I caught one without bait on the first cast, I knew I was in trouble. I caught some grunts and two stingrays. Oh yea, and a catfish, lucky me.  After eating half a sandwich, I started feeling not so good.  On the way back the seas were very choppy, and got my back stoved in pretty good.  Hunter said to me "I can't wait to touch the grass" and I couldn't agree with him more.
Got back to the dock and had to lay down in the back of Doug's truck and consequently at Doug's house and the Cube on the way home.  Also, got to see the CVS's restrooms from Crystal River to Perry since I got a bad case of diaper rea too!  Fun!
I think it would be a fun trip on a calmer day.  I imagine you could look down and see the rocks.
Grouper fishing in 12' of water, who would have thunk?!