Saturday, July 5, 2014



We wanted to run and see if we can see/catch a tarpon and then head on down to Lanark to get some scallops.  I heard good reports from last week that there were a bunch of scallops down there.

So off we went to the tip of Alligator Point.  The water was choppy so there was a degree of difficulty in looking for the tarpon.

We anchored up on some white sand and soon I saw two big tarpon shadows looming just off the starboard side of the boat.  Some quick casts with my DOA got nothing.

But we did catch two sharks.

We then motored on down to Lanark  and the fleet was in.

We anchored up there about 3 times and I managed to get a limit of scallops, one for me and one for Nancy.

So the day ended, two tarpon seen, two sharks caught, two scallops in the bag.