Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day of Firsts

July 30, 2013

Water temp: 88 degrees

Flat Calm

There hasn't been much to report, except, rain, storms, more rain.  We have been out a couple of times, but without a whole lot of luck inshore.

We finally got a day that looked good in the upcoming weather reports and off we went to the ledge and red grouper hole that I went out with Patty and Willie when they were in town.

It was a day of firsts, mainly for Nancy, as I played net boy and gaff boy as the day progressed.

She had never been out so far when it was flat smooth as these trips are few and far between.

We hit the red grouper hole without much to celebrate.  After about 45 minutes, there we headed over to the ledge and started pulling grunts to the boat.  I was getting some nice ones spoon jigging again.

We did manage some pinfish for bait at the dock before we left Rock Landing.

I was baiting Nancy's rod with them and she waited patiently to get bit.  And she did, three broken lines worth.

But in between the tore up reels and rods she did put this nice cobia in the boat.

It was the first time she had caught one.  Unfortunately it was a 1/2" shy of being a keeper.

I had spooned up two spot tails which I was letting her use for bait.  The first one was hit so hard I heard the rod hit the gunnel before the line broke.

The next one got hit as she slowly reeled it to the surface.

After a prolonged battle around the boat, this beautiful 42" smoker king fish came to the boat.  It was the first one Nancy had ever caught.  It was also the biggest one we have caught so far.

Her co worker told her to catch a king and he would make his famous fish dip with it.  He was cleaning the smoker as we left the ramp yesterday.  Can't wait for that!

Finally, I had a first as I spooned up this triggerfish.  I had never caught one and was told how great they are to eat.   Lucky for the fish, as the season doesn't reopen until tomorrow.  

Being so calm and sunny we were done in by noon by the heat and headed back to Rock Landing.  The air conditioning provided by the 35 mph ride back in felt great!