Sunday, June 26, 2011

Five Gallons of Scallops


The FWC opened scallop season early this year hoping to lure some $$$ into the local economy after last year's oil boom laden excercise in the Gulf.

Every time I go out this year, all I can remember is the feeling of doom and the dodging of all the misplaced oil booms all along the coast.  What a waste of time that was.

Anyways, Hunter, Charlotte, Nancy and I headed out for some scalloping.  We did some initial scouting Friday before the opening day and found a few down at Lanark.

So, off we went to our GPS coordinate on Saturday morning.  The skies were cloudy and the winds calm.  A perfect day for scalloping.

Hunter and Charlotte picked up about a gallon in the areas we had marked. They were surprisingly large.  But, we knew we had enough for appetizers, but not enough for a meal.

We decided to join the boats a little further west of our spot.  Charlotte and Hunter jumped in and for the next half hour we only saw their butts and feet sticking out of the water as the gathering fest was on.

They even let Nancy and I get in the action.

Hunter came up with this nice bag.

We finished with a five gallon pale full.  Not a limit, but good enough for a dinner and another later this week.

We combined the scallops with our remaining red snapper and had quite a meal.

Now, if we can find some more red snapper before that season ends.......