Saturday, December 4, 2010

Flattie in Cool Water

Air: 60's
Water: 57deg
Wind: sw 10-15
Tide: outgoing and clear

We decided to try the afternoon bite after chores were done around the house.

The tide was heading out and so were we.  The phrase "man it's colder than I thought" and "I'm glad I brought a jacket" were common as we headed to the oyster bars in OR.

As I looked at the temp gauge I realized why.  The water temp had dropped at least ten degrees since we fished last week.  The wind was stronger than we thought too.

Nancy decided to throw the Fat Albert grub after reading Capt Vic's article in the recent Woods and Water.

Good choice.  On about her third cast I feel the boat shake and the incredulous cry of "oh I've got one!".  Her rod was arched good and I heard her drag sing.  Nancy then said "It's a big flounder" and I suddenly started thinking of a stuffed flounder dinner and dug out the net.

It was a beautiful 17" fish.

We putzed around some more and didn't get anymore bites at our first stop, so we headed out to the bar at the mouth of the river.

We caught a small trout and a small red and decided it was time to head back in.

The ducks have really arrived with some beautiful buffleheads in the river.

When I cleaned the flounder I found it was full of eggs.

May not get out for a while, the weather report calls for wind and then stronger wind.