Thursday, November 11, 2010

Meow, Meow, Meow.....

11.8 and 9,2010
Weather, nice and a little breezy Highs in the 70's
Water: Alligator Harbor: 62, OR: 65

Nancy and I tried it on Monday and Tuesday of this week.  We really got into the catfish.  Not what we were trying to do.

We haven't been able to put the boat in until the afternoons due to the extremely low tides.

We decided to try some different locales this week, with the Harbor being the one on Monday.  We met a man and his son as we were putting in at Surf and Sun.  They were coming in and said fishing was reel good on Turkey Pt. Shoals.  They said the water was crystal clear and loaded with reds and trout.

It was a little too late for us to head out there, and the evening chop had picked up.  We decided to anchor up and fish the Alligator Pt. tip hoping to catch a bull red on some cut mullet.

Unfortunately, we caught cat after cat.  Got our lines stretched though.

Tuesday, we put in at the Roho ramp up the river.  Some mullet fishermen were coming it and pointed out an area that was loaded with bull reds.

We made our way there, but came up with nothing.

We fished around the mouth of the river for a while and ended up anchoring in the river just past the ramp.  Our bug lady, Sherri said she had been catching some nice reds there fishing off a dock.

We caught another cat and some really big crabs.  Finally I hooked up on a big red, he was fighting hard in the current.  Suddenly, slack line greeted me.  If figured he broke my line, but as I reeled in, he just had gotten off somehow.

I got laid up with a bad case of diverticulitis yesterday, and probably won't get out on the water for a while.  I think the good fall fishing season is upon us though, and if possible, I'll get out there sooner than later.