Thursday, September 12, 2013

A lot of fishing, a little catching.

9.7.13 and 9.12.13

Nancy and I went out to the 35 ft. depths on Monday to see if any grouper had come in closer.

Nancy caught this non keeper and had one body slam her to the boat seat, but that one got away.

We also caught a few grunts, but not much to bring home.

I went out today trying to find a tarpon.  I saw some ladyfish jumping and decided to head across the channel and catch one for cut bait.

Much to my surprise, my first cast yielded a nice 15" trout on the Paul Brown Fat Boy.

On the next cast I caught the big lady fish I was wanting for bait.

And on the next cast a tarpon decided he wanted the lure more than I as he tore it away from me and broke my line.

Now that I had my bait I figured I could get bit on the big rods I brought for tarpon.

Nope, no bites.

At least I got my first tarpon hook up for the year.

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