Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Slow and Methodic


Water: 72 deg.

Tide:  Low to incoming

Nancy and I decided to give it a try after the wind blew hard for a week.  We were hoping to duplicate the catches Willie and I put together a week earlier

We were hitting dead low tide and found the conditions to be tougher than Willie and I's fish slaughter.

We hit our favorite spots, white bar, trade winds bar and had nothing to show for our repeated casts.  Not even a bite.

We went out to the outer bar, which has been good to us on low tide and again nothing.

Eased back into the middle bar.  Fished back and forth until we found the trout in the quick running water on the front of the bar.  I caught 9-10 here on jerk baits and gulp.  Rolled a half dozen more.  The best one was 19".

The tide finally died and the lady fish moved in.

We dedcided, since the wind layed, we would hit the clam bar.  All we could raise was a solitary bluefish.

We went back in and fished the flounder bar.

The oyster men were working the bars in the morning. I thought I had snagged a nice cluster of oysters when to my surprise I saw the biggest flounder I have ever caught coming to the boat with a Rage Shrimp in it's mouth.

I measured 18 1/2" and will eat good tonight with crab stuffing.

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