Sunday, December 4, 2011

So This is Catching and Not Fishing!


Tide:  Out going

My neighbor Taff said he would take me fishing in his home waters around Spring Creek when I could get in the boat.

I saw him earlier in the week and told him I was boat ready after fishing over Thanksgiving and not feeling too bad.

We went out Friday morning and as we approached the creek after a 15 minute boat ride, birds dropping down and feeding everywhere.

Its always a good sign that the birds have found the buffet open.

As we worked our way back into the creek by various maneuvers, we finally reached our first hole on a cool morning.

As I reached down to get my rod ready I realized my bail was broken on my Shimano.

So as I was rerigging my other rod, Taff put a whoopin' on the fish.  Three keeper reds, a pup and a sheepshead in five straight casts.  He looked at me and said, "We aint' fish in' today we're catching'!"

Man, was he right with that statement.

After I got my gear assembled again, we hit the next hole and I got some action as we brought aboard a few more keeper reds and probably 5 more pups.

We then went to the very back of the creek to the last hole.

We fished there for at least an hour, and caught well over 20 keeper reds and at least 30 pups.  I have never seen this before.  EVERY cast was a bite and we had many doubles and lines crossed.

We were tallying how many spots each red had.  Taff was winning with a five spot red until I caught a seven spot red.  Crummy picture below.

We finally decided to quit catching and run around and show me the sites of Spring Creek.

I watched as Taff pulled up to oyster bars to grab some treats.

Check out the size of the oysters he grabs!

This tour included the viewing of the 12 boils in Spring Creek, two alligators and a few small trout along the way.

Wow, this is what you call fishing (catching) paradise!

I couldn't ask for a better trip and a more educational trip than I received today.

Thanks Taff!

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