Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Kings Bay Reddin' and Bassin'

Air: 60+
Winds: Calm
Tide: Incoming
Water Temp: ?

Doug and I fished the back of Kings Bay on a quick trip.  Went down to swap presents and pick up my Mom.  Somehow she said it was cold.  Hmmm, I thought Ohio was cold?

Anyways, we put in and fished the back end of Kings Bay.  We shared the waters with about a million manatees.

Here is one that followed our boat as we eased around.  I'm glad he didn't finally decide we were a female manatee.

We fished a big bubbling spring near the back end of the bay and I caught this nice multi spotted redfish on a white shrimp gulp.

When Doug downloaded the picture he started laughing.  He asked me "do you think people will believe you are fishing in Florda?".  Looking at the background, I think most will know.

His part of Florida is very different than where we live.  As you can see, he  lives in the big $$$ area.

I caught another red off the same dock as we came back a couple of hours later.  I also broke one off on that dock.

We fished our way back to the boat ramp, and Doug was whimpering about not getting a bite.

He said "one more cast" as we eased up to the ramp.  With a "there he is", we finished the day with this nice bass.  Consequently, we had a good 15 minute ride back to his house.  No whining!

It was a beautiful afternoon, shared by manatees, manatee watchers, birds and tons of lady fish.  

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