Monday, November 29, 2010

Lanier Revisited

Air: mid fifties
water: 61 deg
windy, cool, blue bird skies

Got in a quick fishing trip with Nick and his Dad while taking Hunter back to ATL for his plane ride back to Memphis.

Hooked up with Nick late morning at Balus.

We ducked into Flat creek to stay out of the wind and absorb the sunshine as we BS'ed about everything from fishing, hunting, college, Nick's future in the FLW tour and of course the President.

In between we finally patterned the bass at about 35' to 40' deep along creek ledges.  The spaghetti lines on the graphs were showing their whereabouts and a jighead with a sand worm or a spoon would bring them up.

Biggest fish of the day was by Nick's dad on a ledge in the back of Flat.
He was probably a little over 3 lbs.

The rest were in the 2 lb. range as shown here:

Left them biting as we hauled out of Balus Ramp with another successful day of fishing at Lanier under our belts.

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