Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bassin' and Troutin' at Crystal River

11.18,19 2010
Water: Super Clear, Temp. Unknown
Little breezy out of the east

Went down to Crystal River to fish with my bro.  Still taking antibiotics and covering up real good, we headed out to bass fish Thursday afternoon and trout/red fish on Friday morn.

Doug said he had been killing them, so it was my turn to get some killin' done.

The water down there is very clear, the river is aptly named.

We started out at Doug's hotspot, a cove that has a pipe connecting to another canal.

It didn't take long for Doug to hook up on a spunky little chunk, but he got spit before we could admire the fish.

Then, I hooked a nice chunk and while lifting him in the boat the line broke, er, the line came untied.  I'm gonna fire my guide for tying a knot like that.

So, you can kind of see how this day went.

We managed to put two in the boat, and missed or let another 6-7 get off.

The bass down there are dark and very beautiful as you can see in the pix.

I threw the toad all day, while Doug alternated between his 10 rods, but I think he missed all of his on a white super fluke.

We headed out to try some trout/red fishing early Friday on the dead low tide.

It gave Doug a chance to look at the lay of the land at a new boat ramp he has never put in before.  He drove past his usual boat ramp telling me lies about how many fish he's caught over the past week.  So we ended up  at the very tip of one of the long points that are around Crystal River.

After some slow negotiating in low water, we got out to his honey holes, but the fish didn't cooperate except for one flounder Doug caught on the Gulp Shrimp

As we were heading out we passed over a weed patch that I had him mark on his GPS, so we could fish it on the way back in.

It's a good thing we did, because on our first drift over it, we caught 3 keeper trout and a few shorts.

Our second and third pass didn't reveal anymore fish, so we loaded it on the trailer and bid Crystal River adieu!

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