Tuesday, June 4, 2013

First Ling of 2013

6.2 and 6.3 2013

Water Temp: 82 deg.

The past week we were excited that the forecast called for calm seas all week.

Er, not so much.  The change in forecast to high seas at the beginning of the week forced us to give it a try Sunday.

We packed our stuff with offshore in mind, but had some inshore gear also ready if it was too rough for us.

We made it out past the two marker and said enough.

We put some pinfish on board and starting throwing them at our favorite markers.

I managed this non keeper but pretty cobia at the first stop.

We came inshore and had a few ladyfish poop in the boat.

Monday we decided to stay inshore and caught a nice 20" trout to replace the one that fell into the panko and butter the night before.

I was giving the bird to all of the other fish who refused to bite today.

All in all it has been a bit slow for us this year.  

Enough to keep us in fish so I guess that is good.

Summer seems to have arrived so it will be early morning fishing until the fall now.

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