Saturday, December 31, 2011

Five Bite Cigar


Lake Jackson

Air: 60's
Water: High 50's

Hunter wanted to go back bass fishing before he headed back to Charleston.  We decided to go back to Lake Jackson to attempt another outing like our last one there.

We knew it would be tougher with the bluebird skies that greeted us in the morning.

We tried power fishing the hay mounds that we caught them on a week ago, but to not avail.  We proceed to the north west side of the lake and found some old lilly pad stick ups.

We were needing some bites, so I picked up ol' reliable.  A nice dry cigar I had brought from the house.  I have learned from fishing past tournaments that if the bite was slow, the only way to get it going was to fire up a big stinky.

Sure enough the cigar magic began.  

I caught a pike and had a bass miss my chatter bait.  We slowed down and started casting Zoom Ultra Vibe worms.

I finally slowed it down enough that the bites started to come regular.
This cigar was worth five bites that equaled a couple of three pounders and another pike.

The rest of the day I picked up bass pretty regular sprinkled with some pike in between.

Our count was around 8 bass, a bunch of break offs (not happy with my new 50 lb. test braid) and 3 pike.

Hunter requested I not post his catch for reasons that only we know.  Hint (I had one of those days, and he didn't).

We released two more to a secret pond.  Here are the release pictures, as we hope to create our own bass honey hole.

Joining his friends

Going into a nice clear lake

Still VERY frisky

Granny and Her Fish


My Mom is down spending a few months in her new digs at Bayside Villas.
After much prodding she finally got down to the nice dock that is part of the community.
I told her the only reason to be on the Forgotten Coast is to fish and drink beer.
You can tell by her grins that she is finally getting the idea.