Monday, October 3, 2011

Great Vitamin D Trips, Fishing Not So Great


Windy, hot on 9-20
Cool, windy 10-2

With my upcoming hospital stay, I'm trying to get out and get on the grouper, unfortunately, all I'm getting is a good vitamin D infusion from the sun.

Nancy and I went down to Lanark to try some grouping in their pretty water.

The wind was quite brisk early, we got out about 4 miles and decided to turn the Nan Z around and head downwind of St. George Island.

We marked good live bottom on some new GPS numbers we got, but all we could put in the boat was a flounder and a bunch or black sea bass.

We didn't even get a good tug from a grouper.

A cool front came in Saturday and created small craft advisories.

We went out in front of Panacea Harbor late on Sunday to try and catch some sand trout.

We put a few in the boat, which Nancy is frying in panko as we speak.

But, the trip was still relatively slow, except for Nancy spanking the sharks!