Monday, November 5, 2012

Whack Fest


Water: 66 degrees

Last half of out going tide

We fianlly got out on the pond after weeks of visiting, fog, wind, work, fog, wind, etc., etc.

A beautiful fall day and the fish were biting as we set down at our favorite oyster bar in the OR.

The water was falling nice and a north wind was blowing against the tide and was setting up a good chop where we wanted to cast our lines.

We were rewarded with trout after trout that came aboard the tin boat.  Every cast was greeted with a solid strike that produced a nice trout or a trout the got quick released due to the quick tide.

I was throwing a megabass jerkbait and Nancy was floating live shrimp.

Nancy caught the only non-trout when this sheep head decided it wanted a shrimp cocktail.

We got back in time to load the boat on the trailer before the bottom of the tide fell out.
I cleaned the boat and the fish and headed to Stacey's and she produced the final product.

Blackened trout, YUM!!