Saturday, July 31, 2010

116 Heat Index? Let's Go Fishing!!

Got a text from the Holts from Memphis. Something in the order of "1600 miles, 4 hrs. sleep, one broken rod, two reds, one tarpon, fishing with Dad priceless".  They had made a road trip to NOLA for reds and then to Apalach to fish with the Robinson Bros. guides for tarps.  Called and got the update from Dana.  He said they site casted on the Lanark Reef two days at about 100 tarps and finally hooked up the last half hour.
Andy Hooks Up

They were on the edge of the weedline as you can see on a high tide.
One of the Robinson bros. guides was nearby to take these action shots.  


So, Nancy And I headed out yesterday in the tin boat.  We hit it early because it was HOT!  Put in at Lanark and went to the place shown in the pix.  Caught a couple of pinnys for live bait and waited for the sun to get up so we can see in the water. Tide was near low. Only saw one maybe two tarpons.  Got so hot, we came in at about 11 AM. It was 103 degrees in Tally when we got to the house.  
Called Dana to give him our report.  His reply was, "We only saw them on an incoming tide."  Now he tells me!!!
Congrats to Andy on his catch before he hits med school.