Wednesday, May 7, 2014

That Was A Nice Boat Ride and the Upside Down Moon


Finally got nice enough to put the old Seacraft in the water.  It's May for goodness sakes!
The weather has reminded me of when I lived in Ohio and didn't get the boat out tip May also.  That ain't right.

After wishing my Mom happy birthday we headed down to the Carrabelle ramp with the idea to fish for pompano and then try some offshore spots and maybe grab a grouper or AJ.

We did all of those things minus catching the fish.

It was an easy ride to the west end of Dog Island and three boats were anchored up closely and catching pomps.  We never could get in line with them and just watched them catching them while we wore out the ladyfish unfortunately.

A school of spanish came through and promptly cut my jig off, so we decided to head off shore towards O tower as the seas were as flat as we have ever seen.

Stopped and hit some grouper numbers and caught rock bass and grunts but no grouper.

A first for us: we saw a sailfish chasing bait about 6 miles off Dog Island and not much farther saw a monster hammerhead shark cruising on the surface.  It was like a National Geographic special on fish in the Gulf of Mexico.

We made it to O tower and tried jigging up some AJ's but all I got was this kingfish for my efforts.

As you can see that is some nice smooth water.  

Saw some monster kingfish cruising the tower chasing bait, but they didn't want anything we were offering.

Made the run back to Carrabelle and when I was walking up to the truck I looked at the moon which was up in the spring time sky.

The crescent was upside down.  

A couple of years ago we were fishing with Hunter and Charlotte out at K tower with not much luck.  A fellow came up to K tower in a 16 foot boat with a tiller motor hardly wearing anything but his shorts.  He was definitely a sea rat kind of guy.  He was puzzled about the bite being off too, but the moon was upside down at the time  too, as he pointed out.

He said that that means the water is pouring out of the moon and consequently the fish won't bite.

I think I'm gonna run with that to explain yesterday.