Monday, May 13, 2013

Bad Cold. Bad Fishing.


Water 72 degrees 1 foot waves.

We finally got a nice calm day to fish and headed back to Lanark to put a hurt on the grouper that we found two weeks earlier.

I was feeling really bad with a cold Hunter left behind, but our friends Phil and Dee were down from Gainesville and I wanted to put them on some fish.

The day started with a big black bear wondering in front of the truck on the way to the ramp.

He seemed to like the telephone pole and stood there while I got a picture out the window of the truck.

We found the Cagles and headed out to 46 feet and trolled while the Phil and Dee and family dropped down.

After many passes I started to think this may not be our day as nothing came to the boat.

We headed out to federal waters and Nancy caught this nice king fish on the Stretch 30.

 Other than that there was not anything else to report.

Ah, that is why they call it fishing and not catching.  

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