Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lake Jackson Winter Solstice Bassin'


Lake Jackson


Wind: raging out of the south

Temp: 70's

Hunter and I wanted to do some bassin' on the first day of winter.  It just felt like it, warm, humid wind howling, foggy.  Yep, that's winter.

I heard from my friend that they were catching some nice bass IF you could get your boat in at Lake Jackson.  We took a chance, and after some maneuvering around the boat ramp, we got the tin Nan in the lake.

We just put the trolling motor down and started slingin' and bringing' a Chatterbait, a Zoom Ultra Vibe and a Skinny Dipper throughout the weeds and coots on Lake Jackson.

Soon Hunter said he missed one and then I got in the action with a jack pike on the Chatterbait.

Then Hunter caught a nice little bass and then followed up with this nice fish.

We caught a few more smaller bass and then I connected on this 2 and half pounder.

The bite was consistent in the wind and fog.  I missed a really nice fish on the chatter bait and then set the hook on this really nice fish, tipping the scales at 5 1/2 lbs.

Hunter stabbed another bass and the sun broke out and the bite tailed.

After some creative boat loading skills, we headed home happy bassers.

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