Sunday, December 30, 2012

Holiday Fishing Report


Hunter was in for Christmas and wanted to do some fishing.  Unfortunately the weather wasn't cooperating too well.  Rainy/stormy then windy/cold.
But we managed to get a couple of trips in.
Thursday we strolled up to the lake and caught a few largemouths to get warmed up.

It was good to catch a few from the lake since the nasty flood earlier in the year had darkened the water considerably, but it looks like the bass are still in there and doing well.

With the cooler weather and wind we decided to put in at the Ochlockonee River State Park and fish in Bear Creek on Friday.

We hit the holes as we proceeded towards the boil, but couldn't get bit.

We eased past the boil about a quarter of a mile and finally got the bite going.

We caught 6 reds and surprisingly Hunter caught a largemouth bass that wanted his jerk bait.

Nancy and Hunter doubled up to get it going.

Like Mother Like Son
Hunter caught an 11 spot red.  Five on this side and six on the other.

We then eased all the way through Bear Creek back to the ramp.  It was a pretty day although windy and cool.

We tried fishing in Panacea Harbor on Saturday, but the wind was too much for us and after an hour we came in.

Our fish dinner for the holidays was provided to us by the Seineyard Restaurant as we headed there for Hunter to sample some fish before he heads back to Charleston for a new year.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

66 degrees=Jerkbaits


Very Swift Incoming Tide

I was surprised when we dumped the tin boat in at Mashes Sands when my temp gauge registered 66 degrees.

The past few times out the water had dipped to 60 degrees.

I still had my Mega Bait jerk bait tied on and couldn't wait to chuck it in the swift incoming tide at the middle bar.

The third cast had a small trout to the boat.

The fourth cast a 19" speck nailed the bait, and jumped like a largemouth.  He put up quite a battle in the swift water.

We eased back and forth along the back side of the bar and caught 12 trout there.  Nancy got a real nice 18" speckled trout on a gulp.

I caught some on a new color Gulp I found while in Charleston visiting Hunter, Disco Prawn.

We eased over to Chaires Creek and we added two more trout to the total.

We fished about 2 1/2 hours and caught 14 total specks, a pretty good day for mid December.